Why You Still Need a Graphic Designer in 2020 Despite Canva


In this current era of DIY graphic design like Canva and these 5 alternatives, contracting an actual graphic designer can appear to be an unnecessary business expense.

However, there are three benefits that graphic designers provide for your benefit:

Knowledge & Expertise:

When you use a DIY design program like Canva, the program limits your creativity and abilities. Some of our best designs are designed on Adobe platforms and transferred to Canva for clients to use at their leisure.

Design programs are flexible but they are limited to your own knowledge of design principles. That means your designs could be unflattering, too crowded or worse, hard to read. The latest DIY design programs and apps aren’t like spell-check, you don’t know what’s wrong without the knowledge of a professional graphic designer.

Whether formally trained or self-taught, graphic designers are continually gaining valuable design expertise through the various projects they work on. As a result, they are able to utilize their experiences to develop eye-capturing creative solutions that are unique to your design challenges.

Fresh Perspective:

As you’re envisioning your design, it’s easy to become fixated on that one concept and seek no other options. When there’s a graphic designer involved in your process, they’re able to give you a fresh perspective on your idea—both as a designer and as a general consumer. Having a graphic designer’s input and guidance can confirm that your design will communicate effectively to your audience.

Time Freedom:

Even if you have some proficiency with designing, time is a resource that you can never get back or replenish. When you allow a graphic designer to help you create the brand elements you need, you’ll have the opportunity to focus your efforts on the other parts of your business that need attention.

So the next time you have a design need occur, consider the idea of reaching out to a professional graphic designer and utilize these significant benefits they offer.

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Bianca Wilson is the Lead Graphic Designer for Miocoa Strategies.

Bianca’s work and commitment has improved visual brand identities of small businesses and non-profit associations.

Aside from graphic design, Bianca appreciates other artistic endeavors such as photography and painting.