INTERN INSIGHT: What I Learned About Managing Social Media Marketing


So many business owners are overwhelmed by social media marketing. It’s a necessity for black-owned businesses to remain competitive and search-able but, in all honesty, it’s time-consuming with little ROI and tons of research in the beginning.

As the Content Creation Lead for Miocoa Strategies (Miocoa), I’m responsible for managing client accounts including their social media content. In the beginning, I was stressed and overwhelmed but now, I’m starting to get the hang of social media marketing.

The key to managing social media is two folds.

  1. Schedule everything from stories to posts. 

  2. Spend 2 hours per day communicating with your audience in Facebook groups, in DMs, etc.

Today, I’m sharing a few tips I’ve learned about remaining active on social media as a brand.

The first step to creating great content is Research. You must know your audience but more importantly, know what they like. Once you tackle that it really is as easy as 1 2 3. Here are the next steps in my content creation process.


During this step, I brainstorm different topics that our audience would like to see. I find it easier to break it down by days of the week. (Do what works for you) I usually do a theme per week and 30 days of content at one time.


After gathering a few different ideas for my content topics, I begin writing. I am a perfectionist so this sometimes takes me a while. I’ve found listing all of our goals first, then listing 10-15 call-to-actions (CTAs) is the best way to keep the ideas flowing.


It is very important not to miss this step. When creating content for 30 or even 60 days at once, it’s easy to make a mistake or two. Always double-check your work. I use Grammarly.


Scheduling content not only saves you a lot of time, but it allows your post to reach your audience at the time they are most active online. I started out scheduling content for a week out, but that quickly changed once I realized how easy it is to forget. I mean life happens, right? 

Your social media accounts should stay active to be the most effective. From posting to commenting/sharing, etc, this process forced me to become more organized. If you struggle with organization and procrastination, this step by step process may help. 


My suggestion is to designate a social media day for yourself where you sit down and go through each step of the content creation process including scheduling. Yes, it’s tedious and may take you a few hours to complete, but once you’re finished you’ll have one less thing to worry about every day. And let me tell you, it is a huge help. If this is still difficult, you can always hire us.


Krystn Washinton is a Content Creation Lead with Miocoa Strategies.

Krystn is a goal driven alumna from Bowie State University with her Bachelors degree in Public Relations.

She has a strong attention to detail and is proficient in oral, written and interpersonal communications.