How to Find Marketing Interns


It’s summertime–which is the perfect time to find interns that will help make your day to day business operations easier. Before going through the journey of recruiting and hiring an intern, it’s important to weigh if your business actually needs an intern. Then there’s my favorite: knowing how to best utilize an intern.

Marketing interns are great investments but they aren’t marketing experts. This means you’ll still need a marketing strategy in place before having your intern take on tasks.

Once you decide that you want to hire an intern, hone in on these three easy steps to find marketing interns:

Know What You Need

Going hand-in-hand with knowing the needs of your business, is being able to define what your business needs from an intern. You should be able to clearly define the “gap” that hiring an intern would fulfill. Start with creating a list of tasks your marketing intern will complete.

Common tasks to give to marketing interns:

  • Schedule social media posts

  • Create basic graphics

  • Write blog post

  • Engage with audience on social media

  • Update website pages

  • Design and schedule email blasts

  • Write captions

  • Transcribe media

Post the Job Description

Finding marketing interns requires you to put the opportunity out there, which can be exhausting. Websites such as Indeed, LinkedIn,, and are great resources. You can also post the options to your social media platforms, share with your network and email to your email subscribers. If you want to find more local candidates, consider visiting local colleges and universities.

You can post here also:









Test and Hire

The hiring process includes interviewing, fact-checking and on-boarding. You will want someone who understands the work you’re requesting. We use this easy to create Social Media Intern Assessment to test our candidates capabilities to fact-check, write and post quality content.

Regardless of how long the process takes, don’t rush or waiver on what you desire in an intern candidate. Remember this should be a win-win situation for both you and the intern. In other words, your business, not only the intern, should be benefiting from their hire.


Ameena Collins is a Creative Content Intern with Miocoa Strategies. She is currently completing her BA degree in Political Science and Communications at the University of Delaware.