5 Tips to Writing an Email Subject Line That Increases Opens


Are you trying to build up your email list and convert your leads into opens? Building an email list can be frustrating, especially in the era of spam emails. Let’s not talk about those companies that send too many emails. It’s a competitive space for a consumer’s attention and their likeliness to open. Here are some great tips to boost the likelihood of getting someone to open your email:


1. To the Point Subject Lines

Know the phrase, “short & sweet”? When creating a subject line get to the point quickly. Invesp has found that a subject line with 6-10 characters is guaranteed an opening 21% of the time. One of the reasons for this is that an overwhelming number of people are using a mobile device to view their emails. The smaller screens cut off longer subject lines often before you’ve made your point.

2. Establish a Personable Connection

Personalized subject lines that include the recipient’s name are still relatively popular. Generic subject lines can often be associated with spam emails, which is why it is important to personalize them. In July of 2018, Experian found 56% of brands that used emojis in their subject lines had higher open rates than those that did not. The use of emojis can humanize a brand which creates a connection between the business and consumer. You wouldn’t want your important email to end up in someone’s trash folder, would you?

3. Make it Exclusive & Time-Sensitive

A subject line that appears to be a perk for members-only or available in a limited timeframe will increase the likeliness of an open.  An example of a brand that uses exclusive time-sensitive perks is Ulta Beauty. A recent email we received from Ulta read, “Platinum Perks! Today online only”. By creating a feeling of exclusivity for their platinum members, Ulta is granting exclusive access to deals and information for a limited time. This helps build a connection between you and your consumer.

4. Use “Free” and “Alert”

The use of the words “free” and “alert” are also helpful to gain attention. We know people enjoy free things, it’s in our nature to at least be curious about something that is possibly free–this is where curiosity and the use of the word “free” can help generate an open. Using “alert” on the other hand makes a person feel the email may contain important information, which adds urgency to the open.

5. Add a Clear Call to Action

Do your subject lines have a clear call to action? Well you need one. Call to actions are great for converting leads into sales and guaranteeing clicks after an open. Sometimes consumers need a bit of direction and this gives them the gentle nudge they need to do whatever action you’d like them to complete.